
Emergency Response Call Center

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Emergency Response Call Center
Disaster Authority Telephone Number
Public gas and fuel pipeline failure event (Refers to private natural gas enterprise and private oil businesses) Petroleum Gas Development and Management Division Office Hours
Power transmission line failure event (Refers to private electricity enterprise) Electricity Development and Management Division Office Hours
Emergency call on Non-office Hours, weekend and Holiday

Update: 2023-12-13
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Address : 13F., No.2, Fusing N. Rd., Jhongshan District., Taipei City 104100, Taiwan (R.O.C.) | MAP | Emergency Response Call Center
Phone Number : 886-2-2772-1370
FAX : 886-2-2711-5891 or 886-2-2776-9417
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Update: 2024-07-05  Visitor: 5,870,562