
Standards for the Energy Utilization Manuals Review Fee

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Article 1  The Standards are enacted pursuant to Paragraph 1 of Article 10 of the Charges and Fees Act.
Article 2  When applying for approval of new establishment or expansion of energy consumption facilities, the investor of massive investment and production plan (hereinafter the Energy User), shall pay a fee of NTD 80,000 for each application for review of Energy Utilization Manual.
Article  3 When the Energy Utilization Manual of an approved new establishment or expansion of energy consumption facility includes in its contents alterations of category of energy consumption, location of energy consumption facility, and energy consumption efficiency, or addition of energy consumption volume, the Energy User shall re-apply for approval of new establishment or expansion of energy consumption facilities, and pay the Energy Utilization Manual revision fee of NTD 40,000 per application.
Article  4 When the Energy User withdraws application after having paid the fees, or the central competent authority disapproves the application, the paid review fees or revision fees will not be returned to the Energy User.
Article  5 This Standards shall be enforced as of the date of promulgation.

Update: 2023-07-11
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