
The Energy Utilization Manuals Advisory Group Setting Points

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Establishment Directions of Energy Utilization Manual Advisory Committee
Approved as MOEA Document Jing Neng 10504601050
Revised as MOEA Document Jing Neng 10604601240
1. To provide professional advisory service of the Ministry for the implementation of the review of Energy Utilization Manual, Ministry of Economic Affairs (hereinafter the Ministry) establishes Energy Utilization Manual Advisory Committee (herein after the Committee) and formulates the Directions.
2. The Missions of the Committee are listed below:
(1) Advisory services for comprehensive compilation of Energy Utilization Manual.
(2) Advisory services for required items of Energy Utilization Manual.
(3) Other recommendations regarding the review of Energy Utilization Manual.
3. The Committee consists of 5 to 11 members, where Director-General of Bureau of Energy, MOEA (hereinafter the Bureau) serves as the Convener. In addition to the Convener and one ex-officio member assigned by the Bureau, the Ministry shall appoint academic experts from the industries of the Energy User of the massive investment and production plan and related energy consumption facilities and agency representatives as committee members.
4. In principle, the Committee shall meet twice for one application, but may convene additional meetings under special circumstances. The Convener will convene the meetings and serve as the chairperson; when in case the Convener cannot attend the meeting due to certain reasons, he or she may designate one of the other committee members to act on his or her behalf.
The meeting is effective only when over half of the committee members are in attendance.
Committee members shall attend the meeting in person, and shall not designate others to act on his or her behalf.
5. During meetings, the Committee may invite representatives from related agencies or academic experts to be in attendance to provide opinions, make reports, or give explanations.
6. Committee members shall recuse themselves for one of the following situations:
(1) When the application is in direct relation with the interests of the member, spouse, blood relatives within three degrees of kinship, and relatives by marriage.
(2) The member and the applicant have existing, or within three years, employment, appointment, or representation relationships.
7. The Committee members and those in attendance at the meetings shall keep all meeting information, opinions of the members, and conclusions of the meetings confidential, and shall not disclose without consent of the Ministry.

Update: 2023-07-11
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