Last Updated Date : 2023-09-25
1.Those who apply for access to archives should read over the Notice and acquire the file name and file number from the National Electronic Archives Retrieve(, fill out the application form (Appendix 1

), sign the Letter of Statement (Appendix 2

), and send them to the Energy Administration, MOEA (hereinafter referred to as the EA) in person or by mail.
2.Those who apply for viewing, copying, and duplication of archives of the EA should complete the "Application Form for Viewing, Copying, and Duplication of Archives, Energy Administration, MOEA", in which the following data are provided in written form:
(1) The applicant's name, birth date, phone number, address, and ID number. For the legal person or organization applicant with administrator or representative, it shall prove the name of its business office or operation office, and the name, birth date, phone number, and address of its administrator or representative.
(2) If there is an agent, please specify the agent's name, birth date, phone number, address, and ID number. For an agent by conduct, submission of a power of attorney (Appendix 3

) is required; for a legal agent, the relation between the agent and the applicant should be specified.
(3) Application item.
(4) File name or main content.
(5) File number or issuance number.
(6) Application purpose.
(7) Application date.
(8) Principally the EA's archive is provided in copy form. For an application for an original of an archive, please specify the reason(s).
3.The EA should send the verification result to the applicant in the form of written notification within 30 days from the reception of the application form at the latest. If the application procedure is improper or the requirement of the application is incomplete, the EA may notify the applicant to make correction, which shall be made within seven days. If correction is not completed within specific time, the application may be rejected to the applicant. If there's notice requiring correction for the application, the 30 days given above shall be counted staring on the day of completed correction.
4.The EA may deny the application for viewing, copying, or duplicating of the EA's archives according to Articles 18 of the Archives Act as follows.
(1) The archives concern national confidentiality.
(2) The archives concern criminal information.
(3) The archives concern industrial confidentiality.
(4) The archives concern technique information and qualification reviews.
(5) The archives concern personnel management and salaries.
(6) The archives must be kept as confidential under laws and agreements.
(7) Other causes to ensure public interest or a third party's due right or interest.
6.The applicant's ID certificate should be kept by the EA during viewing, copying, or duplicating of the archive and will be returned after utilizing the archive and paying off the regular fees.
7. After entering the archives viewing room for access to archives, the applicant should notice the following regulations :
(1) Eating/drinking, smoking, or clamor is prohibited.
(2) Do not damage or stain the environment.
(3) The archive shall be delivered to the applicant after the applicant signs the receipt of access to archives.
(4) Only pencils or a portable computer can be used for copying of archives.
(5) Do not bring any personal object into the archives viewing room. Personal objects should be placed in the locker.
(6) Unauthorized connection to power supply is prohibited and must not record, photography without permission.
(7) Equipment supplied by the EA should be maintained properly; violators should be liable for any damage under applicable laws and regulations.
(8) If applicants have to leave the archives viewing room temporarily, the applicant should return the archive to the archive administrator. For an application image system, the applicant should complete the logout operation before leaving.
8.The applicant needs to maintain the integrity of the archives, when viewing, transcribing and duplicating, and should not conduct the following behaviors :
(1) Add notations to, scratch off/alter, change, remove, add marks to or contaminate the records.
(2) Dismantle archives bindings.
(3) Destroy archives or alter archives contents in any other manner.
9. In case the application conducted any of the situations described in the preceding two articles, the EA may stop the access and record the violation. Any behavior involving criminal offence will be referred to the prosecutor for investigation as well as process it according to the related regulations.
10. The archive should not be taken out of the archives viewing room and should be returned on the same day of viewing the requested archive . If the applicants are unable to finish on that day, the archive administrator or undertaker should note the status of access on the receipt, retrieve the archive first, and make an appointment with the applicant for rearranging another date.
11. After returning the archives, the applicant should pay the charge based on "The Fee Standards to View, Copy or Duplicate Archives" (Appendix 6

) prescribed by the National Archives Administration. For the charge set forth in the preceding paragraph, the EA should give the applicant a receipt together with the duplicated archive and return ID certificate to applicant.
12. The opening hours for access to archives of the EA are Monday through Friday 9:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. and 2:00 p.m. to 4:30 p.m., (closed on national holidays).
13. Any portable computer, auxiliary viewing appliance or other necessary equipment should be noted during application and should be used after permission.
Appendix :