
Taiwan’s Involvement in EWG

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Taiwan has been actively participating in the EWG and promoted regional energy cooperation through implementing initiatives and APEC projects as well as hosting workshops since the 4th EWG meeting. During 2016-2020, Taiwan also served as Lead Shepherd of EWG to take the lead in coordinating and advancing APEC energy cooperation.
APEC Energy cooperation activities proposed by Taiwan are as follow:
2000 Earthquake Response Cooperation Initiative
2004 Energy Standards and Labelling Cooperation Initiative
2005 LNG Public Education and Communication Information Sharing Initiative
2009 Capacity Building of Market Development of Green Energy Products Initiative
2011 APEC Nuclear Safety and Nuclear Disaster Prevention Initiative
2012 Energy Smart Communities Initiative Knowledge Sharing Platform(ESCI-KSP)
2014 APEC LNG Trade Facilitation Initiative
(attachment open 2014InitiativeLNG.docx open 2014InitiativeLNG.odt open 2014InitiativeLNG.pdf)
2015 APEC Green Energy Finance Initiative
(attachment open 2015InitiativeGreenEnergyFinance.docx open 2015InitiativeGreenEnergyFinance.odt open 2015InitiativeGreenEnergyFinance.pdf)
2016 APEC Fossil Fuel Subsidy Reform Peer Review
2017 APEC Green Energy Finance Capacity Building Program
(attachment open 2017ProjectReport.docx open 2017ProjectReport.odt open 2017ProjectReport.pdf)
2018 Enhancing women’s empowerment in energy field: mapping energy policies with gender perspective
(attachment open 2018ProjectWomenEmpowerment.docx open 2018ProjectWomenEmpowerment.odt open 2018ProjectWomenEmpowerment.pdf)
2021 APEC Energy Smart Communities Initiative (ESCI) Best Practices Awards Program
(attachment open 5th_ESCI_Program_Completion_Report.docx open 5th_ESCI_Program_Completion_Report.odt open 5th_ESCI_Program_Completion_Report.pdf)
Workshops 2014 APEC Conference on Future Energy Smart Communities Model
(attachment open 2014Proposal of APEC Next-Stage Action Plan on ESCI.docx open 2014Proposal of APEC Next-Stage Action Plan on ESCI.odt open 2014Proposal of APEC Next-Stage Action Plan on ESCI.pdf)
(attachment open 2014APEC-ESCI workshop-conference News 1007enV2.doc open 2014APEC-ESCI workshop-conference News 1007enV2.odt open 2014APEC-ESCI workshop-conference News 1007enV2.pdf)
2015 Conference on APEC Regional LNG Trade Facilitation
(attachment open 2015LNGNews.doc open 2015LNGNews.odt open 2015LNGNews.pdf)
(attachment open 2015LNGOutcome.docx open 2015LNGOutcome.odt open 2015LNGOutcome.pdf)
2016 Conference on APEC Green Energy Finance
(attachment open 2016ConferenceConclusion.docx open 2016ConferenceConclusion.odt open 2016ConferenceConclusion.pdf)
2017 APEC Conference on Green Energy Finance Capacity Building
(attachment open 2017Conference News.doc open 2017Conference News.odt open 2017Conference News.pdf)
(attachment open 2017Conference Policy suggestion.docx open 2017Conference Policy suggestion.odt open 2017Conference Policy suggestion.pdf)
2018 APEC Workshop on LNG Trade Facilitation
(attachment open attachment12.docx open attachment12.odt open attachment12.pdf)
2019 Workshop on the Path to Inclusive Energy Transition in the APEC Region: how to enhance women’s empowerment in energy field
(attachment open attachment13.docx open attachment13.odt open attachment13.pdf)

Update: 2023-12-13
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